Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Berne pizza

Where was William?

Well, he was with the pack of boys running around. Despite my best efforts, he only stayed with us for short periods of time. Like to drink half a gallon of water. Or consume 1/2 of a pizza.

Gemma dances

Gemma dances

When the band starts playing your favorite song..

When grandpa's band starts playing your favorite song, you have to smile! Even if you are the advanced age of 6 and trying very hard to play it cool.....

The progression is Amelia's face as grandpa's band started playing her favorite song!

Berne pizza

Grandpa's band was playing, the weather was gorgeous, the pizza was yummy1 it was a perfect night!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Pizza in a corn field it Minnesota leg, day3

Where else would you drive to a corn field, park and eat pizza?

Minnesota probably isn't the only place, but that is where I did it.

Grandpa Kevin's band was playing at a fundraiser in Berne, Minnesota. We don't usually get to hear his band play, so we jumped at the chance when we were in town. We went to this same event last ear and it was a lot of fun- we were glad to get to do it again!

All the kids.

Between us, my best friend from high school and I now have 6 kids. Aren't they cute?

(L-r) Gemma, William, Cal, Amelia, Cana, Hank