Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Day Off....

I am back at work this week, teaching an almost new batch of GED students.  I was looking forward to today very much as a breather to catch up before the long holiday weekend...

Catching up didn't happen, but here is a taste of what I did do.....

6:40 - William stumbles in and goes to the bathroom. With the light on and door open.I wonder, why oh why doesn't he use the bathroom right next to HIS room?

6:42- William attempts to have a conversation with me about something and is unsuccessful because I am tired.

7:00 - my alarm goes off

7:02 - I go to the bathroom all by myself in my bathroom to the relaxing sounds over the monitor of William and Amelia fighting over something.  From the sounds of it, this will be a fight to the death.

7:04- I go to investigate the fight and learn that the cars were fighting with each other, not the children.  You know, for pretend, Mom.

7:05- Grumpy over waking up to fighting.  Pretend cars fighting.  Make breakfast for kids.

7:30 - Clean up after breakfast

7:35 - Chase kids into clothes, brush teeth

7:40 Pack up library books for trip to library. Chase books from behind beds,under couches, etc

7:45 - Get myself ready for the day...except clothes.  Because the baby is sleeping in my closet.

7:50 - Quick pick up of the house - we have a Parent Teacher coming to meet with us at the house.

8:00- Lunchbox into backpack, realize club forms are due today, look for checkbook

8:01 Looking for checkbook

8:03 Call John re: checkbook

8:05 Looking for checkbook

8:06 Write note to teacher, chase kids into shoes

8:12 Out to bus stop

8:15 Put William on bus

8:16 Gemma wakes up

8:18 Change diaper, help Amelia on potty

8:20-8:45 Feed Gemma

8:45 Attempt to dress Gemma and pick up toys at the same time.  It doesn't work.

9- 10 Meet with early Childhood Education Teacher regarding Gemma

10- Chase Amelia into shoes.  Gemma poops, change poopy diaper

10-11:15 Storytime at Library

11:15 - go home to pick up food for a friend who just had her first baby.

11:35-12:30 - drop off meal, delight over new baby (Feed Gemma while catching up with friend, I do love to multitask)

12:45 Fix Amelia and me lunch, pack William's lunch for tomorrow at the same time

1- Sit down to eat my lunch

1:12 Baby crying

1:12-1:15 Jiggle baby on my leg while I try and finish eating.

1:15 - Feed baby, convince Amelia to finish her lunch

1:40- Gemma asleep while playing on floor - will she stay asleep if I put her in her crib?  Answer: yes.

1:50- Amelia watches Sesame Street (Netflixes instant) while I pound out a 35 minute workout on our elliptical trainer AND squeeze in the world's fastest shower. Sesame street is about 50 minutes long...that should tell you what kind of shower it was.

3pm- John is home.  His first question: Did you call about that _____________?  Nope.  I didn't.

3-Baby awake, feed baby

3:30-4- dinner prep

4:20 William arrives home

4:20-5- empty lunch box and fill it up again, look over school papers/notes/projects/etc

5-5:15 dinner prep

5:15-5:40 eating

6pm-7pm Amelia starts a ballet class! Feed Gemma

7:15-7:40 Kids bath, teeth brushed, ready for bed.

7:40 revisit the highlights of ballet

8 Read books.

8:20 Big kids to bed

8:25 Collapse on couch

8:45 Feed Gemma

9:20 Gemma to bed

9:20- John and I try and catch up....

9:25 Gemma is not asleep

9:35 Gemma asleep

9:35 -10 Attempt to pack family up for traveling and have conversation with husband.  Mission not accomplished....tomorrow is a new day!

So after finally squeezing in a ten minute conversation with my husband, he went to bed.  This left me to blog about our crazy day AND finally have a moment of peace to prepare lessons for work the next morning!  I finally fell into bed around 1:30...with tasks still unchecked off my list.  Someday I will be caught up again....or at least less behind, right?

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