Friday, February 7, 2014

Amelia conversations

This morning Amelia had a Spanish class at her preschool.  While they were waiting for the teacher to come back to their room, the kids were talking about the letter/s of the week (this week:S, V, W).  Amelia and I had the following conversation in the car on the way home:

Amelia: Mommy, somebody brought something really, really funny for a W.
Mama: They did? (turning left, traffic, etc)
Amelia: They did!  It was a wh------ pillow!
Mama: I couldn't hear you, what?
Amelia: It was a pillow!  A whapping pillow! (hysterical laughter)
Mama: Hmmm...I don't think I know what it is, Amelia.
Amelia: It was a cushion and when you pressed on it (whispers) it would make a ftttttt sound.  Like a toot! (hoots with laughter).
Mama: I know!
Amelia: Paige was wearing pink today. (and we've moved on)

So apparently, someone brought in their whoopie cushion for the letter of the day.  This would explain all the giggling going on when I came to pick Amelia up.  They were still laughing about it.

Amelia and I were spending a little time together this afternoon after lunch.  Gemma was supposed to be napping (in reality, she was in her crib playing, tossing toys and blankets on the floor while yelling for MAMA).  Amelia asked to do a puzzle and picked out the state puzzle.

Amelia: Mom?
Mama: Yes?
Amelia: Where does Alabama go?
Mama: It goes near the bottom (distracted.listening to Gemma).  It goes under Missouri.
Amelia: (big sigh) Mom.  It does not go under Missouri. (patient voice).  It ARKANSAS goes under Missouri.

Let's just take a moment to ponder this one.  My four year old daughter has just corrected my US geography.

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