Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Amelia's snack

Amelia has a snack every day at kindergarten. This snack makes me crazy because it is a community snack. This means every student in the class is supposed to bring in a prepackaged snack for a month. All the snacks get thrown in a bucket and the students pick out what they want every day until the bucket is near empty. Then, the teacher requests parents send in more snacks.

I dislike this for so many reasons, but I'm sure the biggest reason is because I am a control freak. I hate not knowing what my child is consuming. Also, it is unhealthy choices usually and I work hard to try and make healthier choices for my family.

I haven't complained about this because I am trying to not be a complainer. You get a limited number of complaints before you are labeled as "difficult" or "demanding" and I am not sure I want to use up one of my complaints on this. So, here I am complaining to you all instead.

Everyday Amelia and I have a conversation about what her snack choice was and then we decode together if she made a healthy choice. On Friday, we had the following conversation about her snack:

Mom: Amelia! What did you have for snack today?
Amelia: fruit snacks! Isn't that a healthy choice?
Mom: yes! Fruit snacks are a good choice (in truth, they aren't my favorite. They also aren't the worst choice, so I'll take it). What kind of fruit snacks did you have?
Amelia: what kind? Ummmm....
Mom: yes, what kind. Were they scooby-doo? Or shapes? What kind did you have?
Amelia: they were circle shaped ones...like....ummmm....
Mom: shapes? What color was the bag (isn't it sad that I can tell you pretty accurately what brand the fruit snack is if you tell me what color the bag is?)?
Amelia: it was white with blue stripe and it had round little fruit snacks.
Mom: I don't know what kind that is Amelia. They were round with a white bag?
Amelia: yes, they were round like a cookie. I think they were cookie shaped fruit snacks.
Mom:..... Cookie shaped fruit snacks?
Amelia: (hangs head) ok. I think I had cookies for a snack. That wasn't the healthy choice, was it?

Then we had a conversation about telling the truth and continued our ongoing discussion about healthy snacks.

Sent from my iPhone

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