Saturday, September 13, 2014

Amelia is goalie, video #2

Afterwards, she said she loved being goalie and would like to do it again!

Amelia plays goalie #1

Amelia is back playing soccer this fall. At the first practice, the coach asked the team who would like a turn to at goalie this season. (Goalie is a new thing, previously the girls didn't play positions at all).

Anyway, Amelia raised her hand to say she would like a turn to play goalie. Here is a short video of her game Monday evening! She did a great job!

Snuggle Saturday

Almost overnight, the temperatures have dropped us right into fall. Monday, the high was 90 degrees. Friday, the high was in the low 60's.

I was frantically pulling outboxes of cool weather clothing Thursday evening to find clothes that fit the kids. This led to sorting out the outgrown ones and reorganizing drawers/closets and other storage spaces. It would be nice if Mother Nature would send out a schedule so I could plan to spend 6 hours on the process ahead of time....


For about a year now, Gemma's name for Amelia has been "Numna". In the last few weeks, I have heard her shortening it up to "Num".

Ie: MY turn Num!

After hearing this, Amelia turned to me and said, "that is SO cute mom! We have the cutest baby!"

I tend to agree.

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Gemma starts with...

Gemma and I were driving to the library for storytime and we were playing my favorite game of "what do you see?"

Mama: I see a red sign! Do you see it?

Gemma: yeah! I see! I see o!

Mama: you see an o? WOW! Good job looking Gemma!

Gemma: Gemma o.

Mama: hmmm...

Gemma: Gemma! O! I see letters!

Mama: I know! I was so excited!

Hey! Do you know letter Gemma starts with!

Gemma: yeah! I do! Gemma o!

Mama: (deflated). (With much enthusiasm) Gemma's first letter is G! Gemma starts with G!!

Gemma: nope. Nope. No g. Gemma is o.

Mama: (cheerleader style): Gemma starts with G! Gemma starts with G!

Gemma: (matter of factly): nope. Nope. Gemma is o.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Amelia's snack

Amelia has a snack every day at kindergarten. This snack makes me crazy because it is a community snack. This means every student in the class is supposed to bring in a prepackaged snack for a month. All the snacks get thrown in a bucket and the students pick out what they want every day until the bucket is near empty. Then, the teacher requests parents send in more snacks.

I dislike this for so many reasons, but I'm sure the biggest reason is because I am a control freak. I hate not knowing what my child is consuming. Also, it is unhealthy choices usually and I work hard to try and make healthier choices for my family.

I haven't complained about this because I am trying to not be a complainer. You get a limited number of complaints before you are labeled as "difficult" or "demanding" and I am not sure I want to use up one of my complaints on this. So, here I am complaining to you all instead.

Everyday Amelia and I have a conversation about what her snack choice was and then we decode together if she made a healthy choice. On Friday, we had the following conversation about her snack:

Mom: Amelia! What did you have for snack today?
Amelia: fruit snacks! Isn't that a healthy choice?
Mom: yes! Fruit snacks are a good choice (in truth, they aren't my favorite. They also aren't the worst choice, so I'll take it). What kind of fruit snacks did you have?
Amelia: what kind? Ummmm....
Mom: yes, what kind. Were they scooby-doo? Or shapes? What kind did you have?
Amelia: they were circle shaped
Mom: shapes? What color was the bag (isn't it sad that I can tell you pretty accurately what brand the fruit snack is if you tell me what color the bag is?)?
Amelia: it was white with blue stripe and it had round little fruit snacks.
Mom: I don't know what kind that is Amelia. They were round with a white bag?
Amelia: yes, they were round like a cookie. I think they were cookie shaped fruit snacks.
Mom:..... Cookie shaped fruit snacks?
Amelia: (hangs head) ok. I think I had cookies for a snack. That wasn't the healthy choice, was it?

Then we had a conversation about telling the truth and continued our ongoing discussion about healthy snacks.

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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Breakfast conversation

You know you are at Grandma's house when the kids are fighting over who has the healthier cereal option in their bowl. William is arguing Lucky Charms is the better choice and Amelia is championing Cocoa Puffs.

They DO have the boxes side by side and are comparing the nutrition components, so maybe they are learning something?

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