Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gemma's 4 month dr visit

Gemma had her 4 month well visit with our pediatrician today.  We didn't have any concerns going in and the doctor didn't have any concerns on the way out.  The highlights:

Height:27 inches (110%ile for kids her age)
Weight 16 lb 9.5oz (94% for kids her age)

We talked about how she is a great size and growing well.  While discussing her weight, the dr asked how much formula we were giving Gemma and I got to say NONE.  NONE EVER. (Nothing against formula, we just haven't needed to use any and I'm proud.  It's been more work this time devoting the time and energy to nursing a baby. ).  He gave us the go ahead to start solid foods if we want.  We talked about waiting and he was fine with my plan to start roughly around 6 months old.

Gemma is doing very well physically.  The doctor was very impressed with her gross and fine motor skills.  She showed off a little when he put her on the exam table by promptly rolling over when he was reaching for his equipment.  Luckily, I was right there to keep her from rolling too far!  He also liked how well she is sitting up and bearing weight on her feet/legs.  He even went as far to say he felt she was roughly 2 months ahead of schedule for the growth motor development - just what mama likes to hear!  At this point, I asked if her supreme gross motor skills now would allow her to run without tripping over her own feet or hit a home run in a baseball game at the age of five.  He was not willing to commit to either one of those, so we'll just have to be happy with what we have: a very healthy baby girl!

 Our poor girl got her shots and we were on our way.  Hopefully we have a quiet night as this Mama is up late!

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