Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2010, a year in review

I like to do a year end review in pictures. Because...I like to sum the year up and spend a few minutes of my time reflecting on where our family has been this year. Usually, I try to narrow it down to one picture for each month. You'll find I was not at all successful with that this year.


Can you believe this baby turned THREE?

Craft of the month: Happy Birthday Banner!


In February, William stopped napping. Making blogging, cleaning, cooking and all other work related tasks much more difficult. It also required us to take his picture anytime he fell asleep during daytime hours.

Our peanut started to walk!

Crafty project: bowtie onesie/shirt for a new baby and his big brother

MARCHAmelia discovered she loves chocolate cake when we celebrated her first birthday with family and friends in Minnesota.
She also found spaghetti delicious
And then she turned ONE. With attitude.
And immediately starting attempting stunts that made my heart stop. (After this I put down the camera she crawled onto the counter top. To better admire herself in the mirror)
Not surprisingly, Amelia also sustained her first of MANY head wounds.We also hunted outside for Easter eggs. In our winter jackets.


Grandpa Heidt came to visit and we went to look at TRAINS (and boats)!

I attempted to take a spring picture of the kids together with tulips at the zoo
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3Version 4
Version 5
Version 6 (and final attempt)
Goats tried to eat GrandmaFinally, Amelia discovered she LOVES accessories. Seen here: block bracelets and link necklace.


We found time to remember Grandma Heidt
This is her tree planted in our front yard

We also celebrated Mother's DayA smile from the boy? Amazing gift!
The best one of all three of us
We spent Memorial Day weekend in Iowa with our cousins!

I tried for another shot of the two together. I was also in the way of the TV.
We had Father's Day (and a crabby Amelia)

Daddy's boyOnly this guy can juggle these two so beautifully.

A much better picture after a nap for everyone!
We tried to go to our first parade

Success at our first breakfast on the farm!
Played and played and played with the cousins at MANY parks!

Met up with some friend's from the past and their kids

Attended VBSWilliam (and John) slept during daylight hours
Amelia had her first pigtails (for about 2 minutes)
Crafty Moment: I craftied up some patriotic T shirts for the cousins to wear at a family reunion

One day in June, I dragged everyone to this historic area nearby to try and get a picture of the kids together. Here is William's best shot.

Most of Amelia's pictures look a lot like this. Blur.
The best one of the kids together - almost made the Christmas card...
My handsome boy with the rainbow on his cheek.
William started writing his name!

During our summer trip to Grand Forks, Amelia experienced her first La Capana!

Sometime you just want to get away from it all. Or see if your whole body will fit inside a pillowcase.

We attended a family reunion in Fargo on the 4th of July. There are SEVEN of my crafty creations in this picture!

William saw his very first firework show. He was impressed!


The kids kind of liked each otherWilliam bowled for the first time
Amelia bowled for the first timeWilliam was silly
Amelia took swimming lessons
William took swimming lessonsWe played dress up (I am so saving this picture as blackmail for the teen years)I made a T shirt for someone's sixth birthday
William fell asleep with his head in a bucket and rolled up inside this rug. When I opened the door, he rolled over and unrolled himself before I could get the picture.

**Not pictured is that I interviewed and was hired to work part time at the local community college teaching GED courses. This is when the blog train slooooowwwed way down. Which is why there are many pictures here I never had time to share.


William started preschool in SeptemberWe went apple picking and camping for a weekend with our church
William drew his first person (9/21/10)

Mama spent her first night away from Amelia in 18 months for an overnight work conference. We were so glad to see each other!Amelia turned 1 1/2 years oldWith a giant bruise on her faceSometimes getting the right backdrop means making a big mess (and chasing a baby out from under the crib multiple times)

In October, we went to the pumpkin patch and William got a fake smile
Cana and her family also came to visit in October

Amelia was a dalmation
William was a firemanTogether they were cute!

(I guess we didn't take pictures in November?)

We learned one way to contain Amelia

We also played out in the leaves


At Christmas 2010


We just got a letter in the mail* and I cannot even process its contents because....my brain cannot compute this particular piece of information. William will enter kindergarten in the fall of 2012.

*It is a form letter from his preschool regarding registration for next year. I don't know any of the details even though I have picked it up to read it more than five times.
** Yes, yes, yes. I know it is almost two years away, blah, blah, blah. I can do the math. What I can't do is look at my baby boy and compute: KINDERGARTEN.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas v.?

**Please be advised, this is a long, rambling post that contains bodily fluids. At some point I plan on coming back to add pictures. But, it might not be anytime soon.

We decided to leave all of our immediate family gifts at home to save space in our vehicle for travel (good choice as it was FULL). So, when we finally rolled in, the kids knew we had just one more Christmas! Knowing there were still presents under the tree made the LLLOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNG drive home more bearable. Something about that unending last hour just about unglues me every time. Thinking about how excited the kids were going to be also helped ME get through the LLLLLOOOONNNNNNGG trip*.

Unfortunately, the perfect little family Christmas wasn't to be had. The night before we left (our wedding anniversary, how romantic!), William started throwing up in the middle of the night**. Due to weather conditions, we really wanted to be on the road in the morning, but decided to just wait it out and see how things went. Thank goodness there wasn't any more throwing up (spoiler: there is more later. There is always more later.). But, I knew he wasn't feeling well as he was refusing all food. Total food consumption for the day: 2 saltine crackers, 1/2 a breakfast bar, 1/4 banana, water, 1 tablespoon scrambled eggs. On the drive home, I noticed William's eyes were very red yet again and there was.....green goop. And it was yucky. And he wouldn't stop touching them. So, to recap: no eating, green goop, vomit possible at any time. I made a call to our regular dr for some advice (closed, of course! As well as the next two days. Helpfully, their recorded message suggested calling 911 if we were having an emergency.). Too many things were going on with him and we needed some doctor to look at him and reassure me. William was acting hunky dory if you overlooked the not eating, eye swiping, goop crusted eyes situation.

Anyhow, when we walked in the door, we discovered Santa had come to our house with some gifts (the old guy must be getting senile as he left presents for our kids a THREE houses. There must be something in the rules about that.). We opened up the Santa presents and then had dinner as a family. A lovely spread that included toast, scrambled eggs and applesauce. Because we are fancy. Because you never know when the second one is going to start throwing up.

Then, ignoring the presents under the tree, I took William to Urgent Care and Amelia got a much needed bath and was put to bed. William was an absolute angel. He chattered all the way there and was delighted to find the Pediatric Urgent Care was showing Blue's Clues in the waiting room. He didn't want to go when the nurse called his name, but was persuaded when he discovered THE SAME EPISODE OF BLUE'S CLUES WAS PLAYING IN THE EXAM ROOM. The doctor did a strep test due to a very swollen throat and glands (you could have fooled me. that kid was talking a mile a minute all evening). The strep test came back negative so we were given antibiotic for the eyes**** and sent on our merry way.

We swung by the grocery store to pick up the prescription and while we were waiting, William sweetly asked me if he could lay down on the floor because "I am SO TIRED Mom. Please?" To distract him from his sleepiness, we picked up some milk and donuts for a festive Christmas breakfast in the morning.

It was a rough night. William was up a number of times with his eyelashes stuck together and freaking out. He wanted so badly to sleep in our bed but neither John or I wanted his super cruddy eyes on our pillows. We finally relented with his own pillow/blanket and towel barriers after the 5th time he woke us up. Anyhow, we all awoke to a bright, shiny new day and William was so excited to share the special treats he had picked out for everyone the night before. We all made our way to the kitchen which is where William threw up. Again. So, no special breakfast for him. Or the rest of us really. An hour later found us digging deep for that Christmas cheer to push through the LAST Christmas of the year.

Amelia finally understand the name of the game and went around opening the closest package regardless of label. Sadly, William didn't even care. He arranged himself on the couch and looked on with minimal interest. Even when it came to his own (super amazing) presents. He made a few attempts, but couldn't manage to unwrap anything on his own. Poor kid. We watched him carefully through out the day and after a few naps he rallied just in time to resist bedtime. Several days later, it appears he is over the eye goopiness and the stomach bug is over. Please, let it be over. No one else shows any symptoms which is amazing given the close quarters of our van and the shared space while traveling to visit family.

All said, it was NOT the shiny, happy Christmas I had dreamed about. But, we were together as a family and spent time together to celebrate the holiday. That is what matters.

* all said, we spent 30+ hours driving close to 1700 miles in just over a weeks time. That last hour of the last leg is BRUTAL.
**Deepest apologies to my brother*** who had the good luck to be trying to sleep on the couch while we did the clean up the crying kid/laundry dance in the middle of the night. We'll call it even now on all the Barbie heads you pulled off.
***Also apologies to my brother's new girlfriend who had come home with Mike to meet us for the first time. We sure do make great first impressions! And no, she didn't have to sleep on the couch.
****Normally antibiotics are not always recommended, but the eye problem had been occurring for several days on and off while becoming progressively worse.

Tough questions?

I knew this was coming. The age of questions without easy answers.
Somehow I thought I would have more...time. Just today, two difficult
questions have arisen that just boggled my mind with how to answer.
I'm just not ready. I don't have an answer down pat for every topic.
Sometimes there isn't an easy answer appropriate for an

He isn't ready for this transition totally either. He cannot fathom a
question that I cannot immediately explain. When I take my time
answering, he becomes impatient and even thinks I am not listening to

I really strive to be accurate and honest with our kids about
everything in an age appropriate way, of course. There are days I'd
like to tell him the washing machine works because of "magic" - it
would honestly be easier than explaining gears and motors work. But I
don't ( not because I dislike magic, but because it isn't the truth).

So today on the way home from lunch out with friends William piped up with:

"So when you take Mango to the kitty doctor, he will get better and be
able to come home soon. He will be able to come back to our house or
go home with a new family, right mom?"


From the backseat, more insistent "right mom?"

It would be the easiest to just agree with him and let it go. In
fact, this us what I want to do. But cannot.

The truth is Mango was sick and we couldn't make him better. It was a
very emotional decision that doesn't sit well with either John or
myself. Without going into everything, we were stuck without options.
And nothing brings all that ambivalence back like having to explain
the events to a curious three year old.

So my answer? "No, baby. Mango was sick and died. That means he
can't come back to us or anyone else."

And blink back my tears.

Question two came later today as I was folding laundry. William sat
flipping through a book and chattering away.

"Mom, where did this book come from?"

"I think Aunt Kendra and Uncle Jim gave it to you for.....something."

*discussion ensues regarding the possible events/occasions he might
have received a book*

The gift issue resolved, William is quiet again. As he turns the
page, "Do Aunt Kendra and Uncle Jim have any babies?"

(you can see where this is going, can't you? If I would have seen it
I would have quickly steered our discussion towards safer topics.)

I reply " Aunt Kendra and Uncle Jim had three beautiful babies that
grew up to be your cousins Ben, Becca, and Mike."

Quiet for a moment, I turn back to mountain of laundry.

"Babies are lots of fun, aren't they Mom?"

Absent mindedly, I agree.

"We don't really have a little baby at our house anymore Mom. Amelia
is getting to be a big girl."

"Mom, I think we should go to the hospital and get a new baby at the
hospital....for my birthday."


And I will admit I probably stood with my mouth open for several moments.

I think I said something about babies needing more time to grow a
baby. And that babies grow inside Mamas not at hospitals. I think.

What would you have said?
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